
Hi, My name is Ronald Phillips and I started this website as a discussion blog. I will be discussing here all your “How, What, Why, When“ types of questions that always pop up in your head. I will try to cover the advantages and disadvantages of any type of equipment or wood that you might need in your work. Most of us, always overlook the precautions. I will also list all the safety precautions to keep you away from danger.

Those who work on the wood industry can understand that curving wood is more like a hobby rather than a profession. It is not the wood that is being curved, you will feel like curving nature with their own hand. When you are new in this hobby, thousands of questions will jump in your head and millions of confusion. No one has ever become an expert without making mistakes.

If you are also worried about selecting exactly equipment or which one will make your work easy, my blog will help you in choosing the perfect tool for your job. I just want your efficiency with economic solutions.

You will also find step by step discussion about environmental effects woods (how to protect and fix). You can face these situations both before and after slicing the wood (splitting, bending, wrapping, etc.). The change in weather also affects your furniture, floor, or decorative wood kinds of stuff, I will cover that part too.

The environment and weather are not the only problems. The woods of your house can be easily affected by your daily life activity. It does not matter how careful you are. You will get solutions on our blog.

I am not limiting myself here, I will also try to put the repairing methods and techniques here.

All the instructions are given in step by step format guide. It will be fun to take notes.

If you still think that we are missing any corners here, never hesitate to contact us via our contact us page.

What do you need to do?

You just need to stay with RonaldPhillipsAntiques.com. Grab a cup of coffee, take a sip, and just stay tuned. Trust me spending some of your time in this blog can save your additional costing, times, and headache.

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